The largest collection of primary documents relevant to the study of Psalmodi is collected in the Archives Départmental du Gard, Nîmes, H106-H183. A list of secondary sources follows:
- Bondurand, E., "Statuts particuliers de l'abbaye de Psalmodi," in Memoires de l'académie de Nîmes (1882-3), pp. 53-165.
- Borg, A., "Psalmodi," in Gesta 10/2 (1971), pp. 63-70.
- Dodds, J., "Carolingian Architecture in Southern France: some observations in light of the excavations of Psalmodi," in Gesta 16.1 (1977), pp. 23-27.
- Dodds, J., "L'Abbaye de Psalmodi: deux églises médiévales," in Bulletin annuel de l'école antique de Nîmes NS8-9 (1973-4), pp. 27-46.
- Dodds, J., "The Carolingian abbey church of Psalmodi: Formal history and historical context," in Gesta 25.1 (1986). pp. 9-16.
- Dodds, J., B.W. Stoddard, W.S. Stoddard, B.K. Young and K. Carter-Young, "L'ancienne abbaye de Psalmodi (Saint-Laurent-d'Aigouze, Gard) premier bilan des fouilles (1970-1988)," in Archéologie Médiévale 19 (1989), pp. 7-56.
- Dublin, S.-A., and T. L. Zaneri, "The Stratigraphy at the Site of Psalmodi," unpublished report available on this site.
- Foy, D., "Essai de typologie des verres médiévaux d'après les fouilles provençales et languedociennes," in Journal of Glass Studies 27 (1985), pp. 18-71.
- Foy, D., Le verre médiéval et son artisanat en France méditerranéenne, Paris, 2001.
- Goiffon, E., "Psalmodi," in Revue du Midi (1895), pp. 5-34.
- Grubb, J., The Abbey of Psalmodi in the High Middle Ages, Unpublished M.A. thesis, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York (1975).
- Heath, S., and D. Yoon, "A sixth-century tremissis from Psalmodi (Gard, France)," in American Journal of Numismatics 13 (2001), pp. 63-80.
- Rivals, G., "Psalmodi," in Cahiers d'Histoire et d'Archéologie (1937).
- Saint-Jean, R., "Saint-Laurent-d'Aigouze (Gard). Ancienne Abbaye de Psalmodi," in Le Paysage monumental de la France autour de l'an Mil, ed. X. Barral i Altet, Paris, 1987, pp. 418-419.
- Shaffer, J., "Psalmodi and the Architecture of Carolingian Septimania," in Gesta 44 (2005), pp. 1-11.
- Shaffer, J., "Une église du haut Moyen Âge à Psalmodi (Saint-Laurent-d'Aigouze, Gard) et l'architecture préromane du Languedoc," in Etudes héraultaises 39 (2009), pp. 5-19.
- Stoddard, W., "A Selection of Sculpture from Psalmodi," in Gesta 15.1 (1977), pp. 121-126.
- Stoddard, W., Psalmodi: Eight Summers of Excavation, Exhibition Catalogue, Williams College (October 1977).
- Stoddard, W., "Sarcophage paléochretien découvert à Psalmodi," in Revue Archéeologique de Narbonnaise 14 (1981), pp. 225-237.
- Yoon, D., "Counting tokens from the excavations at Psalmodi (Gard, France)," in American Journal of Numismatics 16-17 (2004-05), pp. 173-184.
- Young, B. K., "Text aided or text misled? Reflections on the uses of archaeology in medieval history," in Text-aided archaeology, ed. B. Little, Boca Raton, 1992, pp. 135-147.
- Young, B. K., and K. Carter-Young, "Psalmodi: un site paléochrétien sur le littoral de Septimanie," in Gaule mérovingienne et monde méditerranéen: les derniers romains en Septimanie, ed. Ch. Landes, Lattes, 1988, pp. 151-156.